This 9 year old who suffers from a congenital heart condition had one wish and it was to meet Tip!
This 9 year old who suffers from a congenital heart condition had one wish and it was to meet Tip!
At just 9-years-old, Nikayla And Kamila Scott are the owners of their own skin care line. The two are now the creators of an organic skin care line. At just 9 ? This is awesome.
Hilde Kate Lysiak is one of a kind. At just 9-years-old, Lysiak is a news reporter with her very on news paper. Thats a huge accomplishment if you ask me.
Kids say the darndest things … and sometimes even the truth! However, 9-year-old Alex chose to write his truths. Hit the jump to see what he says about the notorious Fox News!
Before the unsuccessful attempt to kill herself, a Colorado mother murdered her 9-year-old son. She confessed to shooting at her son five times and killing him while he was sleeping. Find out more about this disturbing story after the jump.
Check Out just how young this Oscar Nominated actress is right after the jump. AliTheGreatest