A 10″ Next Gen Netbook(yeah they still make those) with the newest Intel chip, and a 7″ Memopad(Tablet) with a dual-core, It’s Clean!! Hit the Jump. Follow @TatWza +TatWZA
A 10″ Next Gen Netbook(yeah they still make those) with the newest Intel chip, and a 7″ Memopad(Tablet) with a dual-core, It’s Clean!! Hit the Jump. Follow @TatWza +TatWZA
If you don’t quite remember, HP Deaded WebOS, then there was a Great Fire….Sale, HP TouchPad’s Were Gone, Then there was Rumor’s a Smaller TouchPad 7″ was being Developed, Well Guess what’s Not A rumor any More, Hit the Jump. Follow @TatWza +TatWZA
I mean My Son has been stressing about a tablet, and I’ve been worried that he can have unlimited access to things online that he shouldn’t, There is the Xoom Family edition Tablet, but that’s damn near $400, and I would worry if it gets dropped 1time it’s over, But Karuma’s PlayBase is inexpensive, and durable, Hit the Jump to add to your xmas list! +TatWZA
This was the Original Android Tablet, the 7 inches that began the Android Revolution, and it’s back in a Big way, well still the 7″ way, but the Processor & OS have stepped their game UP!! Hit the Jump!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+
This is the bad boy we were waiting for, the Amazon Android Tablet that could compete with all the other Tablets including the iPad??? Well hit the Jump to see how awesome this really is!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+