50 Cent’s Smartphone Gets Banned From Court

The judge has banned 50 Cent’s smartphone from the court room because she feels as though, he is making a mockery of the case. Im pretty sure this is all stemming from the time 50 Cent had a few bands stuffed in his suit pants.

(Video) 50 Cent Takes A Shot At Diddy Saying He Is Not The Man

During a recent interview, 50 says Diddy is not on his level. He went on to say that Diddy uses his Bad Boy artist to make a platform for himself.

50 Cent Reveals How Much Money Me Made & Spent In February

Numbers on the board? After filing for bankruptcy last year, Fif has been all over the news and media outlets with how much money he’s actually got – especially after all that instagram flexing went viral. Now according to reports, 50 reveals how much he made, spent and has in the vault from the month of February. We’re still talkin M’s here. Hit the jump.

(Video) Fans Try To Get At 50 Cent As He Performs In New York

As 50 Cent was hitting the stage in New York at Stage48, the crowd got a little too rowdy. In a recent video, we can see what looks to be a over excited fan trying to get at 50 as he was performing. 50 was not phased as he kept his composure and pushed the men off the stage.

(Videos) Ashton Kutcher Reveals Drake & 50 Cent’s Unaired Reactions To Being PUNK’D

Ahh priceless. Ashton Kutcher was on The Late Show Wednesday night and revealed that they didn’t always air footage from Punk’d of celebrities that were too badly embarrassed. Well than he went on to say he had some incriminating footage of Drake back in 2012, who when thought he was in an earthquake in a parking garage curled up into a fetal position in his boy’s lap. As for 50 Cent…well you’ll just have to hit the jump!

Rick Ross Wants 50 Cent’s $2 Million Lawsuit Thrown Out

And the saga continues…the legal battles between 50 Cent and Rick Ross are healthy as ever as Ross is wanting the judge to throw out 50’s case against him for using 50’s “In Da Club” beat on his Renzel Remixes tape back in December. 50 claims The Bawse violated his trademark by putting his tag on the track withouth Fif’s permission and then used the mixtape to promote his retail album Black Market. Read more after the jump.

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