Looks like Nintendo is doing some major upgrades on some of their devices. Earlier today the Wii u received a firmware upgrade, and tonight the Nintendo 3ds also gets an upgrade with its firmware. The firmware is now moved to Version 4.5.0-10U, just to keep an accurate count of the update. According to Nintendo “Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.” Happy Gaming Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
A Japanese gamer that got the 3DS Slide Pad early cracked open the manual to find that it promises 480 hours of play time from one AAA battery. That’s a crazy number, but I’m guessing that this single control doesn’t need much juice. Hell, I’m surprised that it can’t just draw power from the 3DS. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA
 The Pic after the Jump seems to show a japanese magazine showing a Nintendo add on that should make it’s way to the States, but there is NO definite word on she of for how much, but what we do know is the add-on is bulky as hell! Of Course See for yourself!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+
I guess it was bound to happen, to really gain traction Nintendo has decided to to cut the 3DS’s Price down from $249, but I expected for to come down to $199, but it’s much lower than that, which is a Happy unexpected surprise Find out after the Jump!!! Tat WZA
It very well could be, apparently The game publishers are tight that people get to buy used games at a much cheaper price(and they don’t get to see any $ on) So they started making games that are a one hitter quitter -_- Tat WZA