I was able to find out what was going on with the Gaming Community by interviewing the Major Indie site GamerTagRadio.com, But More Stuff is coming out, and we need to know about it, So hit the Jump!! +TatWZA
I was able to find out what was going on with the Gaming Community by interviewing the Major Indie site GamerTagRadio.com, But More Stuff is coming out, and we need to know about it, So hit the Jump!! +TatWZA
Yes Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition is coming Soon(Tomorrow), And I am, a Gaming Freak, But yet I don’t have All the time in the world I need in order to keep up with All of these great games, AND Tech, And This Blog, So I took time out to talk to a couple of friends of mine, So IFWT has a Review of the Gaming scene in 2011, So Hit the Jump How to get a FREE Copy of HALO Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition!!! +TatWZA
Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl & Tat WZA Michael Jordan, Drake, Marc Cuban & more are featured in a NBA 2K12 commercial. They invite you to join them in the debate over who the greatest NBA team of all time is. Check it out after the jump…
The hype for NBA 2K11 was insane last year. But they might’ve done the impossible this time, and topped it again. Not only will Michael Jordan be back, but so will some of his friends. 2K12 released a trailer giving you a taste of the legends that will appear in the latest version, now they have released the full list.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl x @TatWza