Man Found After 28 Years, Under New Identity!

David Hernler contacts his family after being presumed dead for 28 years.  He sort of came back from the dead after so many people assumed he was dead years ago.  He had escaped his air force based in 1984 and began a new life under a new name in Sweden.  Hit the jump to read why he decided to escape his base and start a new life without anyone knowing. Steph Bassanini

Tech Talk News: Apple’s 2011 iOS Sales Larger Than Mac Sales in Last 28 Years

Apple sold more iPhones, iPads and iPod touches during 2011 than it sold Mac computers over the past 28 years, according to new revelations from Apple analyst Horace Dediu of Asymco. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Joran Van Der Sloot Sentenced To 28 Years

Joran Van Der Sloot was sentenced to 28 years in prison for the 2010 murder of a 21-year-old Peruvian woman. The sentencing was announced earlier today, today also marks the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of Natalie Holloway. Holloway’s parents are still attempting to have Van Der Sloot extradited back to the US to face trial for her murder. Read more about the sentencing after the jump. Julie1205

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