U.S. Will Not Submit a Bid To Host 2020 Olympics

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl The U.S. Olympic Committee has notified all interested cities that it will not submit a bid to host the 2020 Olympics. Chicago, New York and Dallas were among those that had expressed interest in putting forth a bid to host the Games, but any bid was contingent upon the USOC working out a long-simmering revenue-sharing deal with the International Olympic Committee.

Tech Talk Green: Meet The Commercial Biofuel Rocket Jet Of The Future!!!

This is kinda cool, but it won’t touch down for a while! preproduction won’t begin until 2020, and you won’t be able to actually board a flight until 2050, but when it does take flight, it won’t spill an ounce of emissions until it’s in the upper atmosphere, and in the lower atmosphere it spills seaweed based bio fuel, but see the video for yourself!! Tat WZA

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