There were a lot of moments that shocked us in TV this year. Check out a list of what made the top 10 list of shocking moments this year after the jump! Julie1205
There were a lot of moments that shocked us in TV this year. Check out a list of what made the top 10 list of shocking moments this year after the jump! Julie1205
As 2011 comes to a close, Nielsen reviewed the top online destinations, social media sites, and smartphone devices. Google was the most-visited U.S. Web brand, while Facebook held its lead among social networks and blogs. Smartphones were popular in 2011, making up the majority of new phone purchases with Apple as the top smartphone manufacturer and Android as the leading OS. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA
Well we have looked at some of the best of tech of 2011 so its only right we look at the worst also. I know you could probably name a few companies and gadgets off the top of your head. Hit the jump to see if your choice made the list of tech fails for 2011. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+
Congrats to Nicki Minaj who’s Pink Friday album hit double platinum just two days before the New Year. P.s. Random fact to all you Nicki stans: Today is the last Pink Friday of 2011. Wendy L.
A composite of the average Android user from across the World, and with Android Rising to the Status of “Top Dog”, it’s important to understand whom you are in case you are an Android user, But did they add Me, Cause I’m a Droid!! Hit the Jump! Follow @TatWza +TatWZA