So a twitpic is going around of the metrics of how many clicks Kim’s link for her mixtape has hit and as of about an hour ago…according to the picture…it was 23,877. No where near 113k. But this pic may have been photoshopped so I’m not verifying anything!! In the meantime, Nicki seems to be enjoying this all. “Bwaahhhhahhahahahahahahahahhahahhhaaahhhhhaaahahahahahahahhhaha!!!!!!!!!! *lifeless* *leaves on stretcher* *cant go on*,” she tweeted. Followed by a RT of one of her team Minaj members, with “the devil is a liar.” Now Kim wants people to know this is NOT beef (then why do you have Nicki’s decapitated head on your cover? #imjustaskin) and wrote the following “#twitterbeef This is not beef. Real beef is when you get your ass whipped 20 minutes later. CHILD PLEASE!!! #lilkimblackfridaymixtape” Well, Kim got people talking either way so I guess she kind of gets what she wants? @MarisaMendez