Iphone fits in the case, from the front(not shown), and Bluetooth goes in the back You can check out the ID8-Mobile website at www.id8-mobile.com. – this is the world’s thinnest Bluetooth headset – it folds flat and docks right on the case for the phone (iphone) – the upside is that the headset is always with you (instead of in the ashtray with a dead battery – right?) – it charges on the case when you charge your phone – uses a regular USB cable, which is included The whole system fixes the problems with Bluetooth headsets – you don’t loose this one, and you remember to charge it. Down the road, ID8 will build headsets for other phones (Blackberry, Android…) for 2011. Nice angle for drivers too – MoGo Talk makes it easy to do the right thing and use the phone hands-free so you can keep your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. MoGo Talk for iPhone 4 will be in Apple Stores and J&R in NYC around the end of this month. TatsTechTalk.com fnd me on Twitter @TatWza