This could be cool for those with the new iPod Touch looking to be more interactive with it! Sprint’s just announced the ZTE Peel for the iPod touch will arrive on November 14th. The $79 slider case for Apple’s media player features a built-in mobile WiFi hotspot, essentially turning your iPod into a bulky iPhone without a native phone or SMS app. And don’t forget, you’ll still be stuck paying Sprint for a $29/mo data plan, but you’ll be able to connect up to two devices to the Peel’s WiFi as well, so that’s a plus. Another big plus: since the iPod thinks it’s on WiFi, you’ll be able to use FaceTime while not stuck in the house!!! I’m not gonna lie aside from being hit with another monthly bill, you can connect with iPhoner’s with facetime and still be able to be mobile on your Laptop, kinda Clean!! @TatWza