Tyler The Creator’s Hilarious Reaction To Finding A ‘U2’ Album On His iPhone!

At the Apple Keynote this past tuesday ended with Apple not only introduced possible game changing product, they finished up with breaking a record by giving away U2’s newest album for fee and instantly in iTunes(Well a roll out), but not evey iPhone users are up on their tech, or U2, so there was surprise amongst some of the iOS ranks.

(Video) Diddy Shares His iPhone 6 & Apple Watch Experience!!

Looks like Diddy was one of the lucky people to be in the crowd at one of Apple’s biggest days ever, the announcement of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. He shared his experience on social media with the hashtag #diddyview, but no need to go look for it, because we have it right here for you!!

Contest: Win A iPhone 6 x iPhone 6 Plus x Galaxy Note 4

We’re going to make this easy, All you have to do to become a digital Ninja is Like the PlanetKixx Page, Funk Flex Fan page, and follow @PlanetKixx on Twitter, you got a shot!!!

(Photos) Check Out The ‘Apple Watch’ And What It Can Do!!!

Aside from the new iPhone situation, and Apple Pay, there was ‘One More Thing’, and it was Beautiful! With a Ex-Tag Heuer exec over seeing the product, the ‘Apple Watch’ has so much to offer!

(Video/Photos) Check Out The NFC Enabled Apple Pay; Easy Way To Pay!!

Today’s announcement was really big for Apple, yes they announced the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, but a software factor built into the new iPhone is Apple Pay! Yes people have beeeeen waiting a really long time for Apple to incorporate NFC tech into it’s products, but classical Apple, once they got it, it’s better than the rest!

(Photos) Apple’s All New iPhone 6 And iPhone 6 Plus!!

Awwwwww Man, It’s here, the time I’ve, We’ve been waiting for…waiting for quite some time, the Apple official announcement of the iPhone 6, and possibly more!

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