AT&T Is Getting A New Tablet!!!

AT&T announced that the company will be getting Amazon’s Kindle Fire HD 4G LTE 32GB tablet. The device will hit shelves on April 5. Customers who purchase the $399 Kindle Fire HD 4G LTE with a two-year data plan agreement at AT&T retail stores will receive up to $150 off, for a limited time, lowering the overall cost to $249.

5 Successful Ways To Use An Old Blackberry In 2013!!!

I’m saying, RIM sorry Blackberry has had some Real issues as of late(last few years actually), and I know I’ve been giving them a bit of a hard time, BUT I’ve found 5 GREAT ways to successfully use a Blackberry in 2013!!! Hit the gallery.

WOW!!! Imessage Was Hit With An ATTACK!!!

Some iOS developers became victims to an iMessage DDoS attack that crashed their apps and enabled their devices. The attackers were able to send out mass amounts of messages one after another to the developers. All the phones in this case were jail-broken iPhones. The developers that were attacked, discovered that the attacks originated from a Twitter account that sells UDIDs, and that the account was also responsible for facilitating the installation of pirated apps.

BlackBerry 10 Road Map LEAKED!!!!

According to a leaked road map by @BB10leaks, it looks like BlackBerry is planning to release a tablet, similar to the iPad and two phablets, over the next few quarters of this year as well as first two quarters of next year. All of the devices will run on BlackBerry 10 operating system.

Google Glass Might Get Banned Where For WHAT?!?!

A member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, Gary G. Howell is looking to pass a bill that will ban the use of Google Glass while driving in the state. I mean I get it a little, but wouldn’t They be considered ‘Hands Free’ ?! More in the link after the jump.

Listen To Lil Wayne’s Album WHERE For FREE?!?!

Even in light of Weezy giving himself a bad review, He still has the opportunity to be seen in one of your Favorite gaming systems, the PS3, and if you haven’t ever signed up for the “Unlimited Music” in the PS3, then you can get 30 days for FREE! Hit the Jump, flow through the gallery to see how it goes!!!

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