Just when you thought Apple did it all they announce their contribution to the gaming world. Hit the jump to find out more..
Just when you thought Apple did it all they announce their contribution to the gaming world. Hit the jump to find out more..
That’s Right, the time is pretty much HERE….”Magna Carter The Holy Grail”!! Available Only In the App(The Same Name) in the Google Play Store….Which Means Only on Android, at least for FREE, But there are a couple few Details You Really Need to know! Hit the Jump….
Soooo, The War has Begun…Yesterday IG launched their 15sec Video…and of course plenty of RIP to Vine Posts went up on IG(pic form), But Viners fought back with Vines about how they weren’t going any where, on top of that IG’s server’s were(are) leaving ppl a bit flat with the fact that vids don’t loop(like Vine) and the upload is still pretty nasty, not like the simplicity of Vine…the War is Just starting ladies and gentlemen, what side you Got??
Yes it is TRUE Virgin Mobile is coming out with the Iphone 5 next Friday meaning that customers will be able to have the unlimited Beyond Talk Plans as well as unlimited texting but for how much?? Hit the jump to find out ..
I’m saying…. To Me, THIS will be the Movie of the Year, But We will look at Ashton pretty close, although this Trailer shows He might have done a Great ‘Job’ 0_0 Hit the Jump!!
Are we FINALLY going to have the ability to use our phones, tablets, and other electronic gadgets during takeoff and landing of our flights?! Hit the jump to find out…