Yeah, The CIA Gets A Twitter Account 0_0

That’s right, the CIA’s first tweet was “We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet”. 24 hours later it has 448,000 and counting followers. Followers actually found this tweet amusing and funny. As a matter of fact Americans are more likely than the average global citizen to share “funny” content than “important” content.

NYC Man Walks His Mother Into The Hospital After Shooting Her

An off-duty NYPD school cop was shot this morning by her SON. The victim said to be 62 years of age was in her apartment when her son allegedly pulled a .380 Caliber gun into his mother’s back. He then casually walked her to the emergency room and promptly left the scene.

Cruel And Unusual Conditions At LA Prisons!!

Mental Healthcare conditions inside Los Angeles Jail’s are SO poor that alot of its 19,000 prisoners sleep without even a mattress!! Such cruel and unusual conditions are at effect here that they are violating The U.S Constitution. More then fifteen suicides have taken place in only 25 months at these so called ” mental-health” facilities.

Co-Founder Of Rap Genius Resigns After Commenting On Killer

So the Killer, Elliot Rodger, wrote a manifesto, which some are saying is the precursor to the shooting spree, and Rap Genius posted it, but Mahbod Moghadam, the co-founder of Rap Genius commented on some of the pages.

Watch Dogs For Playstation 4 Releases Monday and GameStop Is Hosting Launch Parties

Due to Watch Dogs overwhelming popularity GameStop is having launch parties at 3,500 stores across the US on the evening of May 26. Attendees can participate in contest and giveaways, and see new game footage.

Instagram Drug Dealers STILL Prove To Have #NoFilter

Drug Dealer profiles on Instagram!! According to the amount of teens and people in general that have access to drugs has definitely increased due to Social Media sites such as Facebook and Instagram. Drugs for likes!!! No but seriously this is a real issue.

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