Alert: Here Are Some Steps To Take For Your Mobile To Be Secure!!!

Since the hacking/leaking of multiple celebrity private photos, the web has been asking ‘how safe are we?’, well this is right up my alley, I’m here to walk you through a couple of things. All depending on what device you have, iPhone(iOS) or sometype of Android(Samsung, Motorola, LG, HTC, etc etc), there are steps to take.

(Video) See How Twitter Reacted To Mike Brown #Ferguson Shooting!

This Is super interesting, I’ve seen reactions like this before to wars in the middle east, but this is in the US, the western part at that, but the bigger reactions where not on that side of the country.

(Photo) Whoa! Check Out The Scam That Allowed A Guy To Scam Apple For $309K

I mean he got super lucky with getting away with walking into an Apple store, using a debit card that was connected to a closed account, ‘purchasing’ $7200 worth of Apple equipment, but then to go back and do it 42 times 0_o

New Jersey Man Stabbed His Wife 86 Times For Being Too Messy

A jury convicted a New Jersey man of murder in the killing of his ex-wife. Her offense? A messy housekeeper apparently. Prosecutors say he used a 8 inch knife, to brutally slay her. He faces life in prison and is set for sentencing on September 12.

(Video) Youtuber Sued For Copyright Infringement To The ‘Tune’ Of $150K Per Song

As an average youtuber, you will more than likely not get sued, but this case of Michelle Phan, the youtuber that got fame from sharing make up tips, even in the youtube commercials on TV, is a bit different than average, so she is getting sued.

(Video) Goophone Has Done It Again, iPhone 6 Knock Off Is Ready Market!

Each and every year the iPhone knock off, Goophone, gets to market before Apple drops the real deal! This Year, it’s the i6.

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