(Photo) 50 Cent at the U.N. With Youssou N’Dour and Deepak Chopra

While Fif spoke at the U.N. earlier this week, he posed with two very prominent political figures. Check the power trio out below. Marisa Mendez

President Obama Speaks At UN Live Here On #IFWT!!


Tech Talk Conspiracy: Does Your Company Want You Dead???

If you watched Micheal Moore’s last movie from 2009 “Capitalism: A Love Story”, then you already know what this is, but I recently saw it on Netflix, and saw a web link in the credits, and since I write for an established blog, I felt like I should share this with you! So hit the Jump to learn more! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

(Video) Bill Maher Captures A Native Republican???

LOL, I love Bill Maher!!! This is funny, if you’re into politics, and aren’t stuck in a bubble yourself!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Five Things You Don’t Know About Medical Marijuana

Think you know it all about medical marijuana? You might be surprised to learn it’s already legal in 15 states. If you live in AK, CA, CO, HI, MI, MT, NV, NJ, NM, OR, RI, VT, VI, WA — with the proper permit, of course — you can smoke away what ails you. Find out five things you probably don’t know about the medicinal form of the herb after the jump. @capriSUNshine

Obama Calls On Rich Americans To Help Narrow Deficit

President Barack Obama said on Saturday that Americans need to be ready to ‘pay their fair share’ to narrow the U.S. deficit, previewing his proposals to Congress that are expected to include more taxes on the rich. Continue reading after the jump. @capriSUNshine

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