Mitt Romney Mocks President Obama For Wanting More Police, Fireman, And Teachers

Republican Presidential hopefully, Mitt Romney, not only doesn’t think that the country needs more police officers, fire people, and/or teachers but also made fun of President Obama for thinking we do. I’m not huge on politics, but it seems a little crazy to me that police, EMS, fire people, teachers, and people in the medical field are always facing job cuts but my city hall has two secretaries for every department. Romney wants to cut back on government jobs, which is understandable, but maybe the ones that are less important should be cut over the people who risk their lives to protect us, nurses who take care of us, and teachers who ensure the future of not only our children but our country? Read what Romney said below. Julie1205

(Video) Live Stream: President Obama At Arlington For Memorial Observance

In observance of today’s holiday, President Obama laid the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns and delivered remarks earlier this morning for Memorial Day. The president will also lead an observance at 1:30 p.m. ET at the Vietnam War Memorial. Watch the live stream below. Marisa Mendez

Obama’s Past Drug Use Revealed

In David Maraniss’s book he revealed details about how Obama used to smoke weed… Click below to read the full story! Melissa Nash

President Obama Becomes 1st U.S. Politician To Raise Over $1 Billion

President Obama just keeps breaking records. Now he has become the first politician to top that lofty mark of donations collected during his career. Read more after the jump!! WiL Major

(Video) Jay-Z Supports President Obama’s Stance On Gay Marriage

Following his major announcement yesterday in Philadelphia, Jigga Man sat down with CNN and fully co-signs President Obama’s stance on gay marriage. It’s a beautiful thing! Watch the interview below. Marisa Mendez

News: President Obama Exposes Mitt Romney’s Business ‘Experience’

This title is exactly what the site MITTROMNEYECONOMICS.COM is going to do. The Obama administration has put together a website to show how Mitt Romney really makes business moves and how he makes all those millions. Click below to find out and get more of an understanding of the man who wants to run our country. Funk Flex

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