(Pet Pic) Four-Legged Furry Friend Fridays! Meet Jordan!

Meet Jordan! He is 4 years old born on september 11th Sent in by owners Mary and Anthony Bodon InFlexWeTrust feature your pets on Fridays!  If you have pictures of your pets (with a short description), we will post them!  You can email: [email protected]

(Pet Pic) Four-Legged Furry Friend Fridays! Meet JoJo & Chula!

Meet JoJo & Chula! Owner Dylan says, This is my 7month year old JoJo and 2 year old Chula, both are Shih Tzus :] InFlexWeTrust feature your pets on Fridays!  If you have pictures of your pets (with a short description), we will post them!  You can email: [email protected]

(Pet Pic) Four-Legged Furry Friend Fridays! Meet Pretty Boy Louie!

Meet Pretty Boy Louie! Owner @Jwill0 says, This is my dog louie a 2 year oldfull red nose pitbull..he was born on valentines day so he’s a lover he just looks mean! Everywhere I go people compliment him on his look. InFlexWeTrust feature your pets on Fridays!  If you have pictures of your pets (with a short description), we will post them!  You can email: [email protected]

(Pet Pic) Four-Legged Furry Friend Fridays! Meet Dutchess!

Meet Dutchess! She’s a 3 year old 4 pound Chihuahua who definitely runs the house! When clothes are put on she knows it’s time to go! And you better have something yummy if you say or even SPELL the word “treat!” Sent in by Leslie InFlexWeTrust feature your pets on Fridays!  If you have pictures of your pets (with a short description), we will post them!  You can email: [email protected]

(Pet Pic) Four-Legged Furry Friend Fridays! Meet Dutch & Guts!

Meet Dutch & Guts! Father & son (Brown father) – Sent in by Rebecca InFlexWeTrust feature your pets on Fridays!  If you have pictures of your pets (with a short description), we will post them!  You can email: [email protected]

(Pet Pic) Four-Legged Furry Friend Fridays! Meet Tiky!

Meet Tiky! Owner Nigel says, My dog’s name is Tiky. This is him happy with a new hair cut InFlexWeTrust feature your pets on Fridays!  If you have pictures of your pets (with a short description), we will post them!  You can email: [email protected]

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