(Caught On Tape) Crazy Brawl Went Down On Riker’s Island!!

It got real at Riker’s Island, but what else is new? This time, it’s on tape. Recently, an intense fight broke out in the infamous prison that involved about 50 inmates and went on for hours. And get this, it was all over a grilled cheese sandwich! Members of a Dominican gang –the Trinitarians– apparently got into it with members of the Crips after they didn’t allow them to use a hot plate to cook. Hit the jump and check it out. (Check Out Another Prison Story HERE)

(*Graphic**Photos + Video**) Up To 1,300 Dead In Syria After Gas Attack!!

Titled Syria’s darkest hour, it could possibly represent the worst known use of chemical weapons since Saddam Hussein gassed thousands of Kurds in the town of Halabja in 1988. In a war that has now claimed the lives of thousands of people, images of the dead bodies have now been published for awareness. But, what’s even more disturbing is that medical officials aren’t equipped with the tools necessary to help. Check out the pictures after the jump at your own risk.

(Caught On Tape)**Graphic** Chinese Police Execution!!

No games played in China at all. It seems that unlike our ‘lethal injection’ method in the U.S. when it comes to the death penalty, China just uses a gun. In the footage, Chinese authorities remove a man from the back of a police van in front of a rather large crowd. Once he’s removed, they walk him past some tree –into an open lot, still visible by the crowd. In fact, during the walk and just before it came to an end for the man killed, police turned him around to acknowledge the crowd. After making the man kneel to the ground, they shoot him point blank with one shot to the head. Check out the actual video after the jump. Beware, It’s pretty graphic.

(Caught On Tape) Protesters In Egypt Push Police Truck Over Bridge!!

By now you’ve probably seen the results of the ongoing protests in Egypt. Now we also have an incident to view. During the political uprising, the police vehicle was pushed by angry rebels and fell several stories. In photos related to the video, possibly taken after, show two security guards laying near the truck. Check out video and the photos after the jump.

(Caught On Tape) Wow! After Getting Busted, A Female Shoplifter Gets Beat By Police… In Front Of Her CHILD!!!

Iowa mother, Brandie Redell was recently caught shoplifting in a local store. She was with her 1-year-old daughter at the time. When she was apprehended by store security, she did so without causing too much of a scene. However, things went sown hill as she was on the phone with her boyfriend, James Gibson, who often works with the police on race-related incidents, things go a little out of hand. Hit the jump for more info.

(Caught On Tape) Students Fighting On School Bus Leads To THIS!!!

Another Bus driver is catching heat for some heavy right-handed action occurring on a bus. This time, it’s not perverted (We Hope). Regardless, school bus driver John Moody is now in the hot seat. While driving his bus, three 15-year-old kids attacked a helpless, 13-year-old peer. Apparently, the beef originated once the 13-year-old (allegedly) told a teacher that the three kids tried to sell him marijuana. It seems that the three bullies waited until they got on the bus to settle the dispute. But despite the fight, the bus driver –now retired– is hearing it from critics for his lack of action. Hit the jump for more info.

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