These Public School Teachers Are Doing WHAT To Stay Afloat?!

Budget cuts in public schools have not only affected students and their families, but have also had an great impact on public school teachers. Click the jump to see what 40,000 of them are doing as side jobs!!

What Phone Maker Is Putting Itself Up For Sale??

Bad news for BlackBerry lovers – as if there has been any good news lately. With sales slowing and usage numbers dropping, the board of directors of the Waterloo, Ontario, wireless company has decided to form a special committee to pursue opportunities to sell the company or pursue other options to stay in business. What does this mean for the average smartphone user? Read on for more details.

(Photo’s) Kanye’s Bachelor Pad Gets A Price Drop!

That’s right Down from back in March, between the bad market, and the Pressure to Get Rid of it From Kim, It’s Got To GO!! Drop down and see these Fine Digs!

(Photos) Venezuelan Thieves Are Holding Women Up At Gun For THIS?!??!

Hair weave killers in Venezuela are holding true to the name. Street life has elevated in South America. Thieves are now holding women up at gunpoint in order to cut their hair and sell it. Hit the jump to see how they do it.

Rihanna Hit With Lawsuit Over What?!

We all know how close Rihanna was with her Gran Gran Dolly (real name, Clara Brathwaite), so of course the Bajan superstar wanted to send her off right when she passed in June of last year. Rih arranged for an extravagant funeral, complete with tents, multi-media large screens, huge exotic floral arrangements and the like…and of course, that all came with a price. The final amount came to around the $150k mark, but apparently Rihanna only paid about 25% of it and refused to pay more. Not sure why on her end, but the company that put it together is now suing for the rest of the balance. No word yet from Rih or her camp.

WHOA….Amazon CEO Bought WHAT For 250 Million CA$H?!!

The Washington Post has confirmed that it’s affiliated publications have been acquired by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos for $250 million IN STRAIGHT CASH! Amazon itself has no role with the purchase however Bezos will become the papers sole owner….See what he said below.

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