Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, has moved into a 3,800 square foot rental in Palo Alto, CA. The house has five bedrooms and four bathrooms and a tricked out security system. Check out more pics after the jump!! @funkmasterflex
Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, has moved into a 3,800 square foot rental in Palo Alto, CA. The house has five bedrooms and four bathrooms and a tricked out security system. Check out more pics after the jump!! @funkmasterflex
According to a study which included more than 190,000 online flirtations, the most effective pick-up line in the US is “You dress beautifully!” It sounded a little weird, but the more I repeat the line, the more I can see how it would work out in a guys favor. The US is filled with fashion obsessed females who might give you the digits if you compliment her style! Check out some other pickup lines for various places around the world after the jump. @iBLONDEgenius
Happy 22nd birthday to the first lady of Shakedoooown! May you see many more!! @MarisaMendez
Congrats Mike! @funkmasterflex
Male sex expert Rich Santos explains the age old question of why most guys are obsessed with sex! @iBLONDEgenius