(Photos) 11 Historic Buildings You Can Still Visit in the U.S.

There is something so fascinating about learning how people lived and worshiped hundreds of years ago. Touring old structures, whether they are churches or homes, is compelling and always fun. Here are 11 buildings in the United States that have amazingly stood the test of time. From the old church at Jamestown to a farm in Brooklyn, these 11 places the Huffington Post put together exemplify how historic America lives on today. 1. Jamestown Church, Virginia Originally built in 1607, the church is now part of an historic Jamestown preservation project.

(Photo) Halle Berry and Her New Dude

Halle brought out her new man, Olivier Martinez, in Beverly Hills this weekend. He’s ok I guess. Ladies what do you think?? Personally, I’d love to see Halle with someone like Idris Elba! What a couple that’d be!! @MarisaMendez

(Photos) Lady Gaga’s 10 Most Outrageous Outfits

1. Little known requirement for popstardom: zero fear of heights.

(Photo) Rosa Acosta in the Sand … Just another Google pic we saw.

Game Reaches Out to 50 Cent After 50’s Funk Flex Interview!! Will 50 Reply??

On Thursday 50 called into Funk Flex’s show and touched upon the topic of The Game and if he could ever come back to G-Unit. Now The Game is reaching out to Fif, via Twitter. Check out his tweet he posted just a little while ago. Do you think 50 will reply?? And do you think it’ll be positive??

(Photo) Kim Kardashian Covers Cleo Magazine in a Pink Bikini

From the upcoming November issue of Cleo Magazine.

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