Auto: Man Attacks Woman On Bus! Crazy Video

Now the video starts with the man and woman are already going at it, so it is hard to see who started it. But once you see the dude hit the woman in the head with a cane, it doesn’t really matter anymore who started it cause he is bugging! Not sure what city this took place in, but in some cities this dude would of got his ass beat by other passengers. You can definitely tell the woman is not innocent, and possibly did something before the video started because the bus driver does tell her he is calling the cops on her after the fight is over. Check the video below and see how you feel. IamJOE357

Auto: 13 Year Old Gets Mad At Parents, Drives Halfway Across Europe In A Benz

Teenagers are the same no matter where you go. They don’t like something mommy or daddy said and they throw a temper tantrum. Only exception in this case was the tantrum involved driving halfway across a continent! A boy in Italy who was adopted got into an argument with his adoptive parents. He waited for the right time and stole the keys to his father’s Mercedes and began his drive to Poland, to attempt to meet up with his biological sister. He only had about $270 on him and his passport. Somehow he actually crossed the borders of 2 countries on his way. I say somehow because it baffles me how authorities at the borders didn’t feel something was wrong when he did not have a drivers license and he looked like a little boy. He was finally pulled over in Germany, not too far from the Poland border. Once his parents realized what was going on they got in contact with authorities and the Mercedes had a tracking system, which is how German police found him. In a twist, it turns out the boy is a champion go kart racer and is really into cars, which could explain him having enough skills behind the wheel to drive that far. Some parents are too soft. I would of got beat beyond my worst dreams. He apologized and his parents understood. Great way to make sure he doesn’t do it again. IamJOE357

Auto(Video) LMAO! Watch What Happens, You Wont Expect It

The video starts off simple enough. Friends are trying to help out another friend who got his jeep a little to far into the water on the beach. As you start to watch, you are going to imagine many different things that could go wrong or wind up being funny. Out of everything I thought of, I NEVER thought about what actually winds up happening. One of the guys appears hurt, but the way it happens is so funny I could not stop laughing anyway. I don’t wanna ruin it for anyone, so check the video below. IamJOE357

Auto: Being A Corrupt Cop Will Get You Killed In An Audi R8

Something about this story is beyond fishy. Nothing seems right about this accident scene until you realize the police force in South Africa is widely known for corruption, then it starts to make a little sense. As you can see from the pic, what USED to be an Audi R8 is in pieces scattered on the street. The driver of the Audi was pulled over for unknown reasons. At some point a police officer gets in the passenger seat, in full uniform, gun and all, which is 100% against policy according to a police spokesman. The driver at one point drives off with the cop STILL in the car with the police van following behind. If that doesn’t sound weird keep reading. Next the R8 starts to speed through the streets and eventually the driver loses control and hits a wall, a tree and a lamppost, which splits the car into 3 pieces and a bunch of smaller pieces. The driver and the cop inside died at the scene. Even though the car was destroyed, police still found some weed in the car. Combine that with the fact the police van followed the Audi the whole time as if everything was ok is leading many residents to believe the cop who died was trying to force a bribe from the driver and they were heading to an ATM. Now obviously I personally am not speculating on that, but from residents of the area who are used to police corruption, this story…

Auto: Be Careful Who Your Friends Are

When I saw this story, I had to write about it because it is something very familiar to me. Shyla Rose Shocko was driving recently and got pulled over for speeding. She, like most drivers did not want to get a ticket. So she did the most logical thing….she LIED! She told the officer she did not have her license on her and proceeded to tell the cop her name was actually the name of one of her close friends. She gave the cop her friends birthday, address, and some other routine information you would know of your close friends. The cop bought her story and gave her a ticket which was really issued to her “friends” name. So grimey! The ticket winds up being paid, not sure by who. But as time would reveal someone caught on to her hoax because Shocko winds up being arrested later on and charged with a few different crimes, including identity theft! SMH, Karma is a bitch ain’t it. This actually happened to me when I was younger. I was pulled over and the cop mentioned to me I had many outstanding tickets from one town that I was not anywhere near in years. Luckily I was able to prove in court that I personally did not get those tickets and they got dismissed, but it was still a hassle. I never did find out who did it. Hopefully it will never be an issue again. IamJOE357

Auto(Video) If Your Gonna Ride A Motorcycle, Make Sure You Can Handle It

This race was literally over before it started. Not only did the rider in red leave early which meant he would most likely be disqualified, he also showed he was a little to hype to start. His bike immediately takes off from him and goes into a wheelie right from the start. He hits the ground so hard and to add insult his bike falls on him. You can tell it took a few seconds for the pain to kick in, because he gets up at first, then walks a few feet and decides he is better off laying down. Check the video below. IamJOE357

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