(Photo) What?! Marvel Condemned For Sexist Spider-Woman Cover And Sinister Six To Be Next Big Franchise

Only a month after revealing that classic superhero, Thor, would be replaced by a female worthy to wield the hammer Marvel is now in deep water with media and fans over a sexualized cover of superheroine, Spider-Woman. Also, how will Marvel pull off an all villain cast in Sinister Six production? See more below!

(Photo) Huh?! Is Miley Cyrus Getting A Comic Book About Her?!

Miley Cyrus has grown up FAST before our eyes and boy do were we shocked by her transformation to adulthood. It wasn’t a subtle transformation, it was an in your face transformation and a lot of people salute her for that while many disagree with her choices. Either way it’s been entertaining to watch and i guess we weren’t the only ones to think so! Find out more after the jump

(Video) Comic Book Fans: Jada Pinkett Smith Talks Being The Villain In New Batman Show, ‘Gotham’!

Jada Pinkett Smith is back on t.v. with Gotham, a pre-quel that builds on the Batman franchise. Recently, she did an interview to promote the new show, which airs it’s first episode in September. The actress spoke on her villainous role, a mob wife named Fish Mooney, and even shared what her celebrity husband, Will, thought about her new gig. Can I just say I love her new look for the show? To check out the interview, click below.

NBA: Kobe Bryant Responds To US Men’s National Soccer Coach’s Shot at Kobe’s Contract

Last week United State’s Men’s National Soccer Coach Jurgen Klinsmann took a shot at Kobe Bryant’s contract with the Lakers. Well Kobe, who is in Brazil for World Cup, was asked about it and responded. Check out what he had to say…

Warner Bros Movie Plan’s Leak For DC Comic Movie Line Up!!

So the the next couple of year’s will be full of DC comic’s character movies like “Wonder Woman”, “Flash”, “Green Lantern”, Batman Vs. Superman”, even “Justice league”, a pretty tight schedule has been leaked by a celebrity blogger that’s said to be pretty reliable!

(Photos) WHOA! Mike Epps Got His ‘Baby D’ On When He Knocked Out A Comic!!!

Life’s imitating art with Mike Epps. Well, sort of. This has nothing to do with a pregnancy (we think). But, according to TMZ, “Comedian Mike Epps allegedly took part in beating down a comic in Atlanta who reportedly cracked a few jokes mocking the Kevin Hart/Epps ‘feud.’” Lavar Walker, the victim, was told that Epps was waiting for him outside of a club — shortly after his routine. Once he got outside, Epps allegedly struck Walker in the face. Then, all of Epps’ crew got in. More after the jump.

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