Shocking Emails Of Texas Police Hacked And Dumped Online!

‘That stupid b**** got what she deserved (I’ll bet she was fat and black too)’.Hackers claim to have accessed the email accounts of more than two dozen law enforcement agencies in Texas and dumped the contents online. Continue reading after the jump. @capriSUNshine

Tech Talk News: Apple Cracks Down On Fake Products

Apple has the technology game on lock. With all that popularity its understandable that fakes would exist. Check out how Apple is cracking down on counterfeit Apple products after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru

Tech Talk Hacking UK Police Charge Man For Hacking Ebay And Others

A 22 year old man was charged with a conspiracy to impair the operation of a computer or hinder access to a program or data. He is alleged to be associated with the hacking group Anonymous. Some of their target companies include Ebay, Sony Corp and Visa. Check out the rest of this story after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk News: Hacktivists Share Pride in San Francisco

Hackers target San Francisco BART public transit website, making it the #1 hacking target! Don’t judge so fast. It’s only because San Fran tried to shut down cell phone service to prevent protests. Hey, Cali, this is America (not London.) We roll with freedom of speech after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X Emma Rabid

Tech Talk Hacking: ‘Anonymous’ Hacker Group Claims Attacks On U.S. Law Enforcement Websites

The group known as Anonymous said Saturday it has hacked into some 70 law enforcement websites across the southern and central United States in retaliation for arrests of its sympathizers in the U.S. and Britain. Continue reading after the jump. @TatWza x @capriSUNshine

Tech Talk News: Hackers Post Stolen Police Data As Revenge For Arrests

In retaliation for arrests, the AntiSec hackers say they’ve released their “largest cache yet” of data stolen from law enforcement agencies in the U.S., including personal information, private e-mails, passwords, training files, data from informants, Social Security Numbers, and stolen credit card information from an online sheriff’s store. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA  

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