Decision To Crack Down On Medical Marijuana Made In California, Not Washington

Federal prosecutors launched an attack on medical marijuana shop owners last week, vowing to shutter state-licensed marijuana dispensaries regulated by local governments and threatening landlords with property seizures. The decision to crack down on medical pot establishments in the Golden State was a collective decision by four U.S. attorneys in California and not the result of any directive from Washington, according to a spokesman for California-based U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte Jr. Continue reading after the jump. @capriSUNshine

$295 Million Medicare Fraud Sting Results in 91 Arrests Nationwide

Federal investigators announced Wednesday they charged 91 people in eight cities with attempting to bilk Medicare out of $295 million in what Attorney General Eric Holder called the biggest takedown in Medicare task force history. Funk Flex Find Flex On Google+

Fox News Calls Obama’s Birthday Party “A Hip Hop BBQ”

In ignorant and poor taste, Fox News’ Fox Nation described President Obama’s 50th birthday bash as “a hip hop bbq.” Unfortunately for Fox, the guest list included guests from various industries, such as Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Valerie Jarrett, Jay-Z, Chris Rock, Stevie Wonder, and former NBA star Charles Barkley. Yep…Pelosi and Stevie Wonder are DEF hip hop… naaahhhtttt *Borat Voice*  OH and apparently, you’re supposed to be trying to fix the doomed economy at your party, because you don’t do that enough all day every day. SMH!! Hit the jump to read Fox’s description of the celebration and see the picture they tried to paint (if you know what I mean)… @ItsLukieBaby

Tech Talk News: 72 People Popped In Child Porn Ring!!!

This is one of the most disgusting thing ever, and I hope IF those charged(the 72) and those arrested(52 out of the 72) if found guilty, may they burn!!! Hit the Jump for the Details. Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Rupert Murdoch Loses Top Executive

As Rupert Murdoch says he’s getting “annoyed” at the coverage of the phone hacking scandal that is threatening his vast media empire, the mogul has lost one of his top executives. @Funk Flex

U.S. Supreme Court Denies Mexican National Killer’s Request for Execution Stay!!

Humberto Leal, 38, a Mexican national and convicted murder, has since been moved to a holding cell a few steps away from the Texas death chamber, an indicator that he is hours away from the lethal injection cocktail.The U.S. Supreme Court denied a Mexican man’s request for an execution stay in Texas, calling his argument meritless. hit the jump to read the rest of the story.   Funk Flex

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