Justin Bieber Busted For Skipping Out On His Bar Tab

Just a few nights before kicking off his ‘Purpose’ Tour, Justin Bieber went to a local Seattle Bar with his entourage. According to reports, Bieber and seven friends showed up to the The Whisky Bar and ordered a round of shots. Sources report they ordered GlenDronach, which is a 12-year-old single malt scotch, going for $15 per shot. At some point in the evening, before paying the bill, the group when outside to have a smoke and while ended up in a heated exchange with a fan that almost turned violent. The story goes, female fan wanted a photo but was turned down by one of Bieber’s dancers. Her boyfriend got angry and started yelling and making a scene, so Justin and his group decided to leave. Apparently, one of JB’s bodyguard’s were supposed to handle the check but it never got paid in the midst of the chaos, leaving the bar high and dry for $130. TMZ reports, the tab was settled and everything was paid for several days later.

(Photo) Post Malone Will Open Up For Justin Bieber On His Purpose Tour

While on the the North American leg of his Purpose World Tour, Post Malone and Moxie Raia will be Justin Bieber’s openers. The tour will begin in two days starting at the Key Arena in Seattle, Washington and will go on for 64 dates across the U.S. and Canada. Thats exciting !

LMAO! Porn Hub Has A Special Message For Justin Bieber On His Birthday

Not only is Justin Bieber probably going all out for his 22nd birthday, but he has some pretty cool people (and porn sites) sending him love on his special day. Popular XXX-site Porn Hub took to their Twitter page to gift the Biebz with something.. sort of.

IFWT Wishes Justin Bieber A Happy Birthday!

Today, March 1st, the Biebz is officially a 22-year-old! The entire IFWT team wishes JB the happiest of birthdays. He had quite the successful last 12 months, so hopefully this year is even better for him! Happy birthday, Justin!

(Videos) Diddy Crowns Justin Bieber With Rare Bad Boy Bomber Jacket

Tuesday March 1 will be Justin Bieber’s 22nd birthday, and the pop/hip-hop singer celebrated early last night with a star-studded party in L.A – including the likes of Diddy. The Bad Boy founder had a gift in store for the Biebs, as you can see below in these clips.

(Video) REAL TEARS: Justin Bieber Tries To Perform At 1Oak In LA But Diddy Steals His Shine

The internet is just jam-packed with hilarious things today! This past weekend, everybody industry-related was either in Toronto for All-Star Weekend or in LA for Grammy Weekend. As for Justin Bieber and Diddy, after they attended the 58th Grammy Awards, they hit up 1Oak in Los Angeles with French, Zack and a few other famous faces. While the Biebz was performing his hit-song “Sorry” for the packed club, Diddy decided to grab his mic from him and sang his own rendition of the tune. From the looks of it, Diddy looked SHHWAASSSSTEDDDD. However, the Biebz was not having it one bit. Check the HILARIOUS video below. Diddy is crazy.. lmfao!

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