Whaaat? MLB Warns Players Against Using Deer Antler Spray as Steroid Alternative

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Baseball sent a warning to its major and minor league players last week that may sound odd, if not comical, but is a sign of these drug-testing times: stop ingesting deer antler spray. Until the warning went out, baseball players, taking their cues from the body-building and NFL cultures, felt safe using a deer antler spray as an alternative to steroids with almost no risk of flunking a drug test.

Captain America x Diesel Only The Brave Men’s Fragrance

Marvel’s Captain America and popular fragrance for men, Diesel collaborated for a fragrance called “Only the Brave”. The fragrance is packaged (pause) in a glass bottle in form of a closed fist. In its patriotic blue, it captures the Captain America theme in comic book style. The box is designed by artist Bryan Hitch, the limited edition version is available in stores now. More pics after the jump… @DJJUANYTO

(Video) Car Talk: Harley-Davidson shows how the Captain America movie motorcycle came to be

Captain America, the summer blockbuster movie based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, has officially had the largest opening weekend of any comic-based flick in 2011. Incidentally, it also knocked the latest Harry Potter flick, which opened one week before, out of first place. @funkmasterflex

New “Tales From The Crypt” Series Being Developed!

Remember the HBO show “Tales From The Crypt” that aired from 1989 to 1996? Well it’s making a comeback! According to Collider, the series will be coming back to TV soon but this time will be based on the comic book version and not just a re-do of the old show. No word on which network will be airing the show quite yet but read more about it after the jump! @Julie1205

Mo’Nique Show Canceled?!

Is Mo’Nique saying goodbye to her talk show on BET? No confirmation from reps at BET yet but according to the Atlanta Journal’s Rodney Ho, Mo’Nique’s sidekick Rodney Perry said that the show has been put on an “indefinite hiatus.” In other words, canceled. So what happened?? Read the full report after the jump!! @ItsLukieBaby

‘Captain America’ Wins Box Office With $65.8 Million, Beats ‘Harry Potter’

In a battle of summer movie heroes, Captain America topped Harry Potter this weekend at the box office. The Marvel Comics superhero movie opened at No. 1 with an estimated $65.8 million!! Hit the jump for more about this weekend’s box office… @ItsLukieBaby

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