(Photos) Kanye West and Jay-Z Perform at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show as a Proud, Pregnant Beyonce Watches

Earlier tonight, Kanye and Jay were the surprise guests at Victoria Secret’s fashion show in NYC. Beyonce was in the crowd watching hubby do his thing, and rapped every word to N*ggas In Paris. Aww! That sh*t cray! Check out some more pics from the night below. Marisa Mendez

Kanye West To Perform at 2011 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show

Supermodels AND runway– would you expect anything less from Mr. West?? Victoria’s Secret has announced that both Kanye West and Maroon 5 will be the star acts alongside the “angels” at this year’s VS Fashion Show. More details after the jump!! Wendy L.

(Video) Kanye West Debuts Women’s High Fashion Line In Paris

Saturday in Paris, Kanye West showcased his womenswear line DW, named in honor of his late mother Donda West. Hit the jump to see the runway action! @capriSUNshine

(Photos) Lindsay Lohan Forgets Her Bra Again… This Time At Kanye West’s Fashion Show!!

Why hasn’t Lindsay’s stylist told her by now that her boobs are too big to not wear a bra?! Lohan wore a busty dress to Kanye West’s fashion show in Paris yesterday and her outfit choice has been receiving a lot of scrutiny from the media. I think she looked good… she just needed a bra…and an iron!! lol Hit the jump to see the pics! Wendy L.

(Photos) Ciara, Lindsay Lohan, & The Olsen Twins Attend Kanye West’s Show At Paris Fashion Week

Tons of celebs attended Kanye West’s fashion show debut in Paris this evening, including Ciara, Lindsay Lohan, and Mary Kate & Ashleyyyy (in my N*ggas in Paris voice) Olsen… Hit the jump to see some pics!! Wendy L.

(Photos) First Look: Kanye West’s Women’s Wear Fashion Line

We told you yesterday how Yeezy was premiering his first women’s wear line at Paris Fashion Week and now we got our hands on some sneak peak photos from the show! Hit the jump to see a first look at some of the models on the runway!! Wendy L.

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