Teen Pleads Guilty To Fatally Shooting Classmate For Being Gay

A Southern California teenager pleaded guilty Monday to second-degree murder in the killing of a gay classmate in a deal that will send him to prison for 21 years. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @WiLMajor

Tech Talk News: Check Out Who Is Offering 5GB Of Cloud Storage For Free!!

Cloud computing is the growing wave. A lot of different companies are making offers to entice you to utilize their services. Well check out who is offering 5GB of storage right now after the jump. WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Shopping: Angry Birds Open Their First Store!!!

Get your Angry Birds gear up. The addictive and fun mobile game now has paraphernalia for sale at their first store. Actually not that local for those in the states right now but hey next vacation you can check it out. Details on the new store after the jump. WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Eddie Murphy’s Oscar Replacement Announced!

After Brett Ratner announced he would not be producing the 2012 Oscars, Eddie Murphy announced that he would no longer be hosting the awards show. Murphy decided to decline the hosting position because he was looking forward to working with Ratner and his crew. Yesterday Oscar organizers announced which funnyman will be taking over for Eddie as host. Find out who it is after the jump. Julie1205

(Photo) Another reason People Chase The American Dream

Hit the jump to see the pic. @WiL

Tech Talk Device: Color eReader Nook Jumps In Tablet Game???

Well I guess since Barnes & Noble, and Amazon have been having a Battle of eReaders since the beginning, this was inevitable, But The NEW Color Nook it Now Tablet ‘like’, hit the Jump for the Specs! +TatWZA

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