(Video) Caught On Tape: Justin Bieber Arrested …Under The Influence Of Drugs & Alcohol

Justin Bieber looks like he’s getting into a lot of trouble. He was super wasted and resisted arrest. Law enforcement tells say Bieber was caught in Miami Beach, he was busted for DUI, resisting arrest without violence, drag racing and driving on an expired license. Justin was under the influence of both drugs and alcohol. Bieber refused to take his hands out of his pockets when the cops ordered him to. Bieber currently in custody. Justin’s alcohol level was tested at the scene, where he failed… miserable. Next, he will be going to jail, where he will be booked and processed and bail will be set. Justin’s people actually blocked the street off so Bieber could drag race. The traffic stop was for drag racing and cops determined he was driving under the influence. We will have more details as they come. See the video below.

President Obama Says Marijuana Is No More Dangerous Than Alcohol!

With marijuana becoming more and more popular and legalized through out the nation, the president gave his input on the affects of the “drug”; hit the jump for his full response!

NBA: Dennis Rodman Checks Into Rehab For Alcohol Addiction

Dennis Rodman has finally entered rehab to help with his addiction to alcohol.

NBA: Blame It On The a-a-a-alcohol — Dennis Rodman Apologizes For Rant, Says He Was Drinking

Earlier this week Dennis Rodman went on a crazy rant on CNN (you can watch it here) while in North Korea.  People were talking about his odd behavior afterwards and now we have an explanation for it.  He admits he was drinking & now apologizes. Check out what he had to say…

(Photos) Mary J. Blige Explains How Whitney Houston’s Death Helped Her Quit Alcohol & Get Into Shape

R&B diva Mary J. Blige covered the December issue of SHAPE Magazine, showing off her healthy and toned figure. In the interview, Mary speaks on how Witney Houston’s death had a huge impact on her and helped the songstress get into better shape and quit drinking. She also spoke on conquering her fears, maintaining her body, and much more. Check out the snippet of the interview below:

20/20 Anchor Elizabeth Vargas In Rehab For Alcohol Abuse

“20/20” co-anchor Elizabeth Vargas has been MIA for weeks, due to alcohol abuse at rehab. Vargas checked into rehab a couple weeks ago — according to the NY Daily News — and will remain in treatment for a few weeks more. She’ll return to “20/20” when she’s released from the rehab facility and ABC will welcome here back. Vargas released a statement saying she suffers from addiction, claiming, “I realized I was becoming increasingly dependent on alcohol. And I feel fortunate to have recognized it for the problem it was becoming.” We wish her luck!

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