(Videos) 50 Cent & Justin Bieber Party Out In Monte Carlo

Bieber crashed 50 Cent’s concert last night in Monaco, before dubbing Fif as an “icon” and giving the crowd a champagne shower.

(Photos) Justin Bieber Shows The Ladies What He’s Working With In His Calvin Klein Underwear

Justin Bieber is always making headlines. This time he has some of the ladies giving him the seductive side eye because the singer posted a picture holding his crotch in his underwear on Instagram. Check out the picture in the gallery after the jump.

(Videos) RECAP: Watch Performances From Rihanna, Madonna, Justin Bieber + More At 2016 BMA’s

Last night’s BMA’s was definitely one for the ages with Madonna already making headlines for her “controversial” tribute to Prince alongside Stevie Wonder, Meek topping the rap game for best album and more killer performances. Check out all of the best below.

(Videos) Justin Bieber Channels His Inner Spirituality

Justin Bieber is on a mission, a mission to find himself aside from the celeb persona everyone sees him as. Well, he was caught on camera trying to find himself and channeling his spiritual energy.

(Photos) Justin Bieber Makes Shady Prince Comment

Justin Bieber’s behavior is very unpredictable these days. From getting faux locs to walking off of stage at performances, we don’t know what to expect. But he left a bad taste in Prince fans mouths’ when he left a shady comment on Instagram.

(Photos) Justin Bieber Catching Flak Over His Instagram Comment On Andrew Watt’s Prince Tribute

This week we lost one our greatest Prince and it has been devastating for most, having one of our biggest icons (Prince) taken from us at the age of 57.

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