Tech Talk News: Apple Ended Google Maps Contract Early???

Word has circled that to install Apple’s current map app they decided to end their deal with Google a year.  How is that working for you Apple? Apple says their on the case to fix their own app but how long will take to get it to Google map standards. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Airlines Will Be Issuing Mobile Boarding Pass For iOS 6 Passbook

Apple maybe looking to improve the life of travelers.  Passbook was  announced today by Apple. Passbook will be avaiable when Apple releases it iO6. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Apple Is Being Sued, Again! Did They Steal The Idea Of Siri?

Another day, another tech lawsuit. Apple is now going to hash it out over Siri. Details about the lawsuit after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza

Tech Talk News: Google Introduces New Google Cloud Messaging Service!!

Busy day today at the Google I/O. Google I/O is similar to WWDC but for Android clearly. Google and developers meet discussing the future of the company and innovations to expect in the near future. One announcement today was the new Google Cloud Messaging service. Check it out below. ShottaDru X TatWza

Tech Talk Apps: Songza Is On Fire! Over 1.15 Million Downloads In 10 Days!!

Songza is on the fire in the app store! Has its similarities to Pandora and Spotify but gets a little deeper regarding the playlists. Check out Songza after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza

Tech Talk Rumor: Is Samsung Looking To Build Their Own Social Network??

A major advancement in iOS 6 is the integration with Facebook. Is Samsung looking to add similar integration to their devices or maybe branch off to do their own thing? Hit the jump for the rumor about Samsung. ShottaDru X TatWza

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