(Videos) Justin Bieber Takes Dramatic Fall Through Trap Door On Stage

Poof! And just like that…he’s gone.

(Video) Justin Bieber Falls Through Stage

Justin Bieber was performing at the SaksTel Centre in Saskatoon, Canada when he took an abrupt fall.

Man Who Said He Fought Justin Bieber Claims That He Lied After Receiving Death Threats And Losing His Job

Looks like the guy who took credit for Justin Bieber’s epic WWE smack down is now claiming that he lied about the entire thing. Lamont Richmond has claimed that he has been receiving death threats from angry Beliebers he has also been fired from his job and now want’s to clear his name. Check out the rest of the story after the jump!

(Photos + Video) Ohh So This Is Why Justin Bieber Got Into A Fight With Dude Twice His Size

After the Cavs/Warriors Game 3 in Cleveland the other night, Justin got into a fight with a much bigger guy and now we know why…

(Photos/Video) NBA: Justin Bieber Gets Into Big Fistfight After Game 3 in Cleveland!

It looks like Justin Bieber learned a thing or two from hanging up with Floyd Mayweather but I bet he wishes the champ was around when he got into this fistfight with a guy much bigger than him on Wednesday night in Cleveland.

#MusicStillMatters New Music: Justin Bieber – One Dance Remix

The rumors were true. Drake premiered Justin Bieber’s own Remix to his #1 single “One Dance” on OVO Sound Radio Ep. 23. Listen to the track by downloading that Funk Flex App for iOS & Android below for free!

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