BREAKING NEWS: WikiLeaks Founder Arrested and Denied Bail

  A British judge jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Tuesday, ordering the leader of secret-spilling website behind bars as his organization’s finances came under increasing pressure. Assange showed no reaction as Judge Howard Riddle denied him bail in an extradition case that could see him sent to Sweden to face allegations of rape, molestation and unlawful coercion. @FUNKMASTERFLEX

State Dept Warns: DO NOT POST comments on Facebook or Twitter about WikiLeaks!!

Talking about WikiLeaks on Facebook or Twitter could endanger your job prospects, a State Department official warned students at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs this week. Read the full story after the jump!! @wendyKlucas

[Update] is Dead….But They Live!!!!

Wikileaks is trying to bounce back from it’s multitude of Problems Currently, is dead. @TatWza

Wikileaks Founder Put on Most-Wanted List!

(CNN) — U.S. authorities may be looking for just the right moment to try to detain WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is the subject of a wanted-persons alert sent to police agencies around the world, CNN’s senior legal analyst said Wednesday. @Funkmasterflex

[Update] Wikileaks is at it again…

Wikileaks has come under plenty of fire with politicians calling for Wikileaks be deemed a Terrorist Org and Prosecution! But Wikileaks said they will leak Docs from a known US Financial Institute!!! Stay Tuned

BREAKING NEWS: WikiLeaks Releases Hundreds of Thousands of Classified Documents in Defiance of U.S. Demand!!

The Obama administration has told whistle-blower WikiLeaks that its expected imminent release of classified State Department cables will put “countless” lives at risk, threaten global counterterrorism operations and jeopardize U.S. relations with its allies. Some of the diplomatic papers stolen from the State Department and leaked by WikiLeaks show more than just potentially embarrassing revelations about U.S. views of allies, including disturbing developments among alleged friends and foes globally. Read more after the jump… @funkmasterflex

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