Argentine President, Cristina Fernandez, Wins Reelection In Landslide Victory!

GIRLS we run this motha!! *Beyonce voice* President Cristina Fernandez was re-elected in a landslide Sunday, winning with the widest victory margin in Argentina’s history after her government spread the wealth of a booming economy. Read more after the jump!! Wendy L.

Tech Talk News: Rhapsody To BUY Napster….Music Lovers Rejoice???

I mean idk, it’s been a while since the digital world cared about Napster, and although Rhapsody does ok, there are so many sources of Music to buy from now(iTunes), I mean you can even listen to the radio on line now(, I mean I just Don’t know if your interested, but if you are, Hit the Jump for Details!! WZA on Google+

Tech Talk News: Now You Can Rate Your Ex-Boyfriends/Girlsfriends On The Web

Did your ex do you dirty? Now you can let the world know how they never wash the dishes or drove you around with their gas tank of E. The site ExRated is aiming to be Yelp of relationships. Check out the details on the new site after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

50 Cent To Release Young Adult Novel About Bullying

50 Cent continues his venture to help the kids as he prepares to release Playground, a semi-autobiographical novel about bullying. More details after the jump!! Wendy L.

Beyonce Makes Plans to Launch Record Label AND a Boyband

This woman doesn’t stop! Even with a baby on the way and due in just a handful of months, Beyonce is already planning on the work she’ll be doing! And this is exactly why she’s on top. Read what QB told the Associated Press below. Marisa Mendez

R.I.P. #Remembering Anthony “Grandmaster Roc Raida” Williams

2 years ago today we lost one of the most talented DJs in hip hop. InflexWeTrust remembers Roc Raida who was apart of legendary DJ group, The X-Ecutioners as well as a member of the world famous Heavy Hitters. Growing up he was one of my personal favorites due to his creativity in performing body tricks while djing. After the jump i compiled some of my favorite Roc Raida videos. R.I.P. Roc Raida (May 17, 1972 – September 19, 2009) @DjRellyRell

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