Experts Conclude That The Shooting Of Tamir Rice Was A “Reasonable” One

In reports completed by the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s office, there are two outside experts that claim the shooting death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, at the hands of officer-in-training Timothy Loehmann, was “objectively reasonable.” Find out more down bottom.

(Video) An Ohio Judge Finds Probable Cause To Charge Officer That Killed Tamir Rice With Murder

A slow but steady race to regain trust in the legal system is underway in Ohio after a judge ruled that there is probable cause to charge officer Timothy Loehmann with the murder of 12 year old Tamir Rice. There is currently a grand jury investigation that is taking place surrounding the murder and as of now, no charges have been filed.

Community Leaders Looking To Charge Officers With The Death Of Tamir Rice … Before Prosecutors

Cleveland, OH community leaders are looking to take the law into their own hands … sort of. Because prosecutors have yet to take action with filing murder charges against officers, Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback​ in the death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, they plan to push the bucket. The community leaders are hoping to use a state law that would allow them to bring the charges against both present officers. This tactic would be a great move, especially considering that as of mid-May, the two officers in question have yet to be questioned in the November 2014 death of Tamir. A ‘slow investigation‘ would be an understatement. Hit the jump for more.

(Video) Tamir Rice Shooting Investigation Almost Completed After 171 Days

Almost 6 months after her son Tamir Rice was shot and killed by Cleveland police, Samaria Rice appeared on the steps of the Cuyahoga County Justice Center and said ” Less than a second and my son is gone, and I want to know how long I got to wait for justice. ” Check out a clip and more on the story after the jump.

Tamir Rice’s Mother Reportedly Forced To Enter Homeless Shelter

Sad news out of Cleveland this morning. It is being reported that Tamir Rice’s mother has been forced to move to a homeless shelter, as police attempt to delay the lawsuit the Rice family has filed for the wrongful death of 12-year-old Tamir. The City of Cleveland has asked the Rice family to halt their civil lawsuit until the official investigation has concluded, stating that delaying the lawsuit will protect the two officers involved in the shooting from making statements now, before knowing if they’ll be charged with a crime. However, the Rice family has filed a response saying they cannot wait any longer.

Extended Footage Of Tamir Rice Shooting Shows Police Pushing His Sister To The Ground

Additional footage of the Cleveland police shooting of Tamir Rice has surfaced. The footage shows the young boy’s 14-year-old sister being forced to the ground by officers. Have a look after the jump.

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