Auto Talk: Wikileaks details how Toyota problems caused diplomatic strains with Tokyo

Toyota’s recent troubles weren’t merely issues for its customers, dealers, lawyers and bottom line – the repercussions also went all the way up through diplomatic channels. A series of cables posted by Wikileaks reveals that then-Transportation Minister Seiji Maehara asked that Toyota’s situation not cause “obstacles to trade.” Funk Flex Find Flex On Google+

Tech Talk News: WikiLeaks Spoofs MasterCard Commercial

The latest spoof on a classic MasterCard ad campaign comes from one of the credit card company’s best known adversaries. @YungJohnnybravo @Tatwza

WikiLeaks Suspect: Treated Worst Than Convicted Criminals

@klassic_p Army Pfc. Bradley Manning has been imprisoned in the Quantico Marine Corps Brig for nine months, suspected of giving highly classified State Department cables to the website WikiLeaks. He has not been tried, yet is kept in solitary confinement in a windowless room 23 hours a day and forced to sleep naked without pillows or blankets.

WTF…CIA Is Investigating Wikileaks!!!!!!

The CIA has now formed the WikiLeaks Task Force, which equals WTF, has been charged with assessing the impact of the leaked cables on the agency’s foreign relationships and operations. We Should have known this was gonna happen, I mean WTF!!!! @TatWza

(Video) WikiLeaks Founder Speaks Out On Today Show


WikiLeaks Founder Granted Freedom

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was granted bail today in a hearing at London’s High Court. @funkmasterflex

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