And it begins….it’s that time of the year where all tech geeks start to get ants in their pants, that time when diff types of images for the next iPhone( iPhone 7 ) start to pop up and cause a whole lot of speculation!
And it begins….it’s that time of the year where all tech geeks start to get ants in their pants, that time when diff types of images for the next iPhone( iPhone 7 ) start to pop up and cause a whole lot of speculation!
In reality, all concept phones are the best ever at that time because ‘they'(?) usually take the best of overall current technology and pack it into a phone. Here’s the thing, it’s practically improbable to be able to scale down technology that was just developed not too long ago…BUT this iPhone 7 Concept kinda takes all the current mobile technology and packs it into a phone, which kinda is probable ?.
News from Cupertino in reference of the iPhone 7 new design is, a ‘concept phone that’s pushing an issue!!!
If you follow tech news, you know that iOS 7 Beta is now making the rounds to developers and savvy users who upgraded early. You’ll never guess what one developer found when snooping around some folders buried in the latest beta version of iOS 7. Read more to see what’s coming for next gen iPhones.
Apple’s new iOs 7 is expected to officially release this fall. The new software has an all new design and ultra modern features as well as a lot of special tricks you will want to take into consideration when updating your phone. Hit the jump to find out them out ..
The Evad3rs Jailbreak Team released their jailbreak on Monday and in only 3 days the team amassed an amazing 7 million jailbroken devices, which includes the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch devices running iOS 6.0 or iOS 6.1. . This info coming from Forbes and Cydia creator Jay Freeman, this makes this jailbreak the fastest-adopted jailbreaking solution of all time according to Freeman. As of Thursday night there has been ” 5.15 million iPhones, 1.35 million iPads, and 400,000 iPod touches were jailbroken with evasi0n.