Tech Talk Device: Acer’s Affordable Android Tablet Is Coming!!!

Word is it’s gonna drop in August, about a month or so before that iPad HD drops, which is what I was waiting for, but At the price point that Acer wants, I’m really rethinking it!! Info After the Jump!! Tat WZA

Tech Talk Shopping: Acer Honeycomb Tablet Spotted At Walmart!!!

Hit the Jump to see the pricing for the new Acer Honeycomb Tablet available at Walmart…Soon! Tat WZA

Acer’s Cheap But Powerful Honeycomb Tablet!!!

If you were thinking about getting the Motorola Xoom because of that Sweet Honeycomb 3.0 Android OS or Maybe the dual-core 1GHz Tegra, well Acer, A leading Computing Company, has dropped the Iconia Tab A500, hit the jump for more pics and Pricing! @TatWza

Tech Talk News: Intel Backing Windows 8 Tablets!!!

There has been some considerable hype surrounding the Windows 8 tablets which are slated for 2012 fall release, it looks like Intel is backing Microsoft and will to put all their chips (no pun intended) behind them Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk Shopping: Gamestop To Start Selling Android Tablets With Some Special Add-Ons!!

Still thinking about buying a tablet? Well check it your local Gamestop will be apart of the new rollout of tablets at their stores. There are a couple of extras involved with their tablets. Hit the jump for details. ShottaDru X TatWza

Tech Talk Gadgets: Is A Tablet With Android Ice Cream Sandwich Dropping For Only $179??

Yup only $179 cheaper even cheaper than the Kindle Fire. Crazy price, hit the jump to see when you can take advantage of this tablet bargin. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+ On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Dru Ashe wrote: +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

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