(Video/Photos) NCAA: Racist Fraternity at OU Sparks Outrage & Protest From Sooners Football Team

Last night video surfaced and went viral of a chapter of the fraternity Sigma Alpha Epilson (SAE) at the University of Oklahoma singing a racist chant.  The video shows a group of white students on a bus singing “There will never be a ni**** in SAE. You can hang him from a tree, but he can never sign with me.”  As the video spread, so did the outrage.  Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s national chapter shut down the Oklahoma chapter Sunday night, suspended all of the chapter’s members and threatened to remove those responsible from the fraternity for life.  OU’s president David Boren denounced the behavior and the students were escorted from their fraternity house under heavy security.  Not only have many students and activists spoken up, members of the OU Sooners football team took a stand as well.

(Video/Photos) National Chapter To Fraternity & President Of Oklahoma U. Respond To Racist Video

Racist Chant From Oklahoma Fraternity Goes Viral, These racist Pricks, I swear I wish I could have secretly popped out of a seat on this bus and dusted all of these fu**s. Ok on to the facts, A ‘fraternity'(national chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon) on a bus to to Who GAF started chanting some really racist words, and the one guy you can see in the vid is smiling as if this was some funny sh*t.

(Video) This Black Guy Was Made Into Memes Because He’s Racist Against Blacks?!

The last couple of weeks this guy(above) has been made into plenty of Memes, and I wasn’t sure why, aside from the ridiculous look on his face, so we found out!

(Video) Federal Charges Against Ole Miss Student For Noose Put On Black Statue

More news in the “the more things change, the more they stay the same” category: The Justice Department is bringing down Federal Charges Against Ole Miss Student For Noose Put On Black Statue–which they conclude was done to intimidate African American students and faculty. The James Meredith statue was found with a noose around its neck and a Confederate flag on its back…

(Video) Students Arrested As Clemson University Students Sit In Continues!

Five Students arrested at Clemson University for failure to evacuate Sikes Hall After it closed for the evening. The students refusal to leave came as no surprise as they are holding a sit-in; protesting the culture of the campus. Check out some footage as well as there demands after the jump.

Yale Frat Gets Called Out After Denying Black Girls Access To “White Girls Only” Halloween Party

Sigma Alpha Epsilon is at the center of some unflattering tension, yet again; this time the Yale chapter. According to Neema Gathere, a Black female student said in a Facebook post, she and a few others were denied access into the fraternity’s Halloween party because they were not White. Find out more after the jump.

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