MLB: Beaten Giants Fan Bryan Stow Out of Hospital

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl The San Francisco Giants fan who was severely beaten outside Dodgers Stadium was transferred to a rehabilitation facility Tuesday after nearly seven months in hospitals, doctors said.

Box Office Report: ‘Real Steel’ Wins With $27.3 Million

Thought that George Clooney and Ryan Reynolds’ “Ides of March” would win this battle? Think again!! The robot-boxing “Real Steel” trumped the competition this weekend making $27.3 million. Get the full report after the jump! Wendy L.

Queens DA To Launch ‘Full Investigation’ Into Wrongful Conviction In 1996 Drive-By Shooting

Queens prosecutors reluctantly agreed Thursday to open a “full investigation” into the possible wrongful conviction of a man in a notorious 1996 drive-by shooting. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @WiL

NFL: Randy Moss Comments On If He’s Returning To The NFL

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Randy Moss is back in New England and he’s ready to play. Golf, that is. A Boston radio station caught up with Moss in a golf course parking lot and asked if he anticipated a return to the Patriots this season. Check what Randy Moss’ response was after the jump…

Colorado cat, missing 5 years, is found on NYC street

A calico cat named Willow, who disappeared from a home near the Rocky Mountains five years ago, was found Wednesday on a Manhattan street. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @WiL

Tech Talk Web: Software That E-mails All The Porn You View To Your Spouse!!!!

Do you think looking at porn is cheating? These Christians do, and they’ve created a software so spouses can help their “cheating” partners quit the act. Dirty details after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X Emma Rabid

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