Looks like Four Loko is About to Be a WRAP!! Feds Move to Ban From Whole U.S!!

Posted by @MarisaMendez Better stock up on your crack-in-a-can while you can LOL! It’s about to be a wrap-ington! Federal regulators are expected to move to ban caffeinated alcoholic drinks as soon as this week, according to a New York senator.

Why Aren’t Enough Women Getting HPV Vaccination?

One of the most significant medical breakthroughs of this past decade is a vaccine to prevent cancer. We now better understand the link between cancers and viruses and how some viruses such as the human papillomavirus (HPV) can change cells and cause them to become cancerous…yet studies show that an alarming less than 30% of eligible women chose to get the vaccine…How come? Read more after the jump…

Four Loko Banned in NY!

Let’s go! I’m so anti-Four Loko! LOL….so nasty and toxic and cheap and gross and….yea, I can go on for a while. The State Liquor Authority has pressured the state’s biggest beer distributors to stop delivering Four Loko and other caffeinated alcoholic cocktails to New York retailers by Dec.10. And the maker has agreed to stop shipping its wildly popular drink to New York distributors after Nov. 19. The dual agreements will allow the SLA to fine any shop owners found to be selling Four Loko without proof it was ordered by the deadline, authorities said. @MarisaMendez

NFL: Broncos D.J. Williams won’t start vs. Chiefs…Fined an undisclosed amount by team after DUI arrest

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl The Denver Broncos have hit linebacker D.J. Williams with the “heaviest fines possible” and barred him from starting Sunday against the Kansas City Chiefs a day after his second drunken-driving arrest.

18 Ways to Avoid Colds & the Flu!!

Are you avoiding co-workers and loved ones with that hacking cough, cold, or flu? Do you draw your hand back from every doorknob? Do you have cold-and-flu phobia? Read 18 different ways that will help you avoid colds and flu this season after the jump…

Dang…T.I. Has Some STRICT Probation Guidelines Upon Release!!

Looking over the probations terms set for Tip when he finishes his 11 month bid and ummm….they don’t seem too great! But hey, it’s better than house arrest and definitely better than jail so I guess he should take what he can get! According to reports,  T.I. won’t be allowed to leave the Northern District of Georgia (ATL, Gainesville, Rome and Newnan) unless he can prove it’s for “verified employment within the United States.” But I mean…being a rapper is employment, right? He’s also not allowed to leave that area for more than seven calendar days per month or for more than seven days in a row. No tours for you dude! He also can’t operate a vehicle, own any type of weapon (which I’d hope he wouldn’t after jail the last time!) and has to take random drug/alcohol tests and participate in a treatment program. It’s quite a laundry list of guidelines but hopefully this will keep him on a straight path! HOPEFULLY! @MarisaMendez

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