(Video) NYPD Cop Causes Seizure And Points Gun At People

Cops really be walin, smh. Take a look at this NYPD officer scare civilians with his gun while watching a man (that he just stomped out) literally have a seizure right in front of his eyes! You can’t make this shit up.

Atlanta Cop Shoots Down 22 Year-Old Unarmed Black Man, Charged With Murder

Rest in peace to yet another unarmed black man, 22 year-old Devaris Caine Rogers. It looks like this cop will actually face some time behind bars though…so we hope.

(Video) Amber Rose Gives Conan And Dax Shepard Orgy Advice

Dax Shepard is a bonafide freak! During his interview with Conan, he talks about possibly setting up a scenario where they will swap wives lmao. Then Amber Rose, host of the new show “Sex Positive,” comes along and tries to guide them in the process.

Cornel West Endorses Green Party Candidate Jill Stein

Move over Bernie Sanders. Since Sanders is basically giving up his hopes for Presidency by endorsing Hillary Clinton, Cornel West has decided to go the Green Party route.

(Video) Guy Makes a Song About Being Homeless!

You can make a song about anything nowadays lol This is real talent right here.

(Video) Turkish Soldiers Surrender At Bosporus Bridge

The chaos in Turkey might just be coming to an official end. Check out the Turkish soldiers surrendering at a bridge in Istanbul with their hands up, abandoning their dreams of a coup.

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