Family To Pull The Plug On Bobbi Kristina On Whitney Houston’s Death Anniversary

Both the Houstons and the Browns have been bickering over the tragic condition of 21-year-old Bobbi Kristina, but it seems as if both sides have finally come to an agreement. Cissy Houston, the mother of Whitney and the grandmother of Bobbi, brought up a point this weekend that since there is no saving Bobbi, they should pull the plug on Wednesday, February 11th, which is the three year anniversary that Whitney Houston was found dead in almost the same setting as Bobbi. Sources close to the family said Bobby Brown was “waiting for a miracle from God” before taking his daughter off of life-support, but it seems as if there is just no way Bobbi will come out of her medically-induced coma.

Bobbi Kristina & Nick Gordon’s Relationship Allegedly Filled With “Jealousy” & “Domestic Violence”

Bobbi Kristina is a vegetable right now, holding on for dear life and her “hubby” Nick Gordon may be the culprit in this horrific situation. A criminal investigation is currently underway after more shocking details in the story are coming up. According to sources very close to the couple/siblings, Nick Gordon and Bobbi Kristina’s relationship was doomed from the start, filled with tons of jealousy and domestic violence. Nick apparently couldn’t stomach Bobbi’s extreme fame, questioning why she got all of the shine when in reality he was Whitney Houston’s “child,” also. He would apparently beat Bobbi senseless, leaving her injured pretty bad. A prime example of him lashing out is when a television network offered the two a deal for a reality TV show. Nick flipped out once he realized they were offering Bobbi more money and a better deal than him. He would apparently channel his anger on her. Although it is not confirmed yet, there is a huge possibility her little stint in the bathtub that left her basically braindead was no accident or suicide attempt at all. If Nick Gordon is found guilty of any foul play, I’m sure this means some serious prison time for him. Hopefully the Houston/Brown family receives their miracle from God and gets their precious baby girl back.

Criminal Investigation Underway For Bobbi Kristina; Evidence Suggests Foul Play & Nick Gordon’s A Suspect?

Oh boy, looks like things may get a lot worse for the Brown/Houston family before it can get better. While Whitney’s only daughter’s life hangs in the balance as she is now left fighting for her life after what seemed like a tragic turn of events….Looks like there’s a been another plot twist to this heartbreaking story. According to reports buzzing on the media circuit, this may not be an eery coincidence or botched suicide attempt gone wrong at all. Sources are now reporting criminal investigation underway for Bobbi Kristina; evidence suggests foul play & Nick Gordon’s a suspect? Yes folks….and the plot thickens. See what Nick did to raise suspicions, and have authorities launch full out criminal investigation inside.

(Video) Hear 911 Call: Bobbi Kristina Kin Fight In Atlanta Hotel

Hear 911 Call: Bobbi Kristina Kin Fight In Atlanta Hotel. The Brown family is really under a lot of stress. Bobbi Kristina has been in an induced coma since Monday. There have been many statements stating the Doctors don’t think she will make it. There has also been talk about Bobby Brown having to make the toughest decision any father would have to make. Should he take her off life support or not? The fight however was between Tina Brown Shayne Brown. Did Tina really hit him in the head with a glass bottle? Find out below

(Video) Tear: Oprah Gets Emotional Over Bobbi Kristina’s Condition; Clive Davis Releases A Statement

Although Bobby Brown kinda-sorta suggests that Bobbi Kristina is not brain dead – we hope not – that hasn’t stopped the reports from swarming the ‘net. TMZ caught up with Oprah, and delivered the news that the 21-year-old has been taken off of life support by her father. The news being very new to her, Oprah becomes a bit teary-eyed. “I hadn’t heard that,” she says. “It’s a sad time,” Oprah adds after denying the she was close to Whitney. Check it out down bottom.

Bobby Brown Refuses To Take Bobbi Kristina Off Life Support; Waiting For A “Miracle From God”

As heart-breaking and difficult as it may be to make the decision to pull the plug on your daughter, it’s looking like that’s the only choice Bobby Brown may have. After his daughter Bobbi Kristina was found face down in a bathtub, her brain has not been functioning properly and the doctors have told him that the chances are slim to none that she will improve. However, Bobby refuses to pull the plug on her life support. According to sources, Bobby is “waiting for a miracle from God” to pull through and save his baby girl. Bobbi’s condition has been the same since Monday since she was brought to Emery University Hospital and there has been so signs of improvement what-so-ever. Being that Brown and his family are deeply religious, they feel as if a miracle is possibly, despite what the doctors have to say. Until further notice, they will remain by her hospital bed praying for some type of improvement. This situation is so tragic because it’s going to be Whitney Houston’s four year death anniversary in just a few days on February 11th. Crazy how they were both found the same way, dead in a bathtub. This situation is so extremely tragic and hurts my heart. My prayers go out to the Houston and Brown family during this difficult time.

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