Damn! Future Pays How Much In Child Support To 2nd Baby Mom, Brittni Mealy?!

I guess when it rains it pours, but then again, Future is good for it. The Jasmine Brand were able to get their hands on some legal documents that shows Future and Brittni Mealy, the mother to their son, Prince has come to an agreement on monthly child support fees. Last year, Brittni filed a paternity lawsuit requesting that Future pay back and future (ha!) child support. The, “Move That Dope” artst’s rebuttal was that he’s not denying being the father of baby Prince, but he would rather the courts come up with a reasonable price to pay. Come June of 2014, the two were able to come to an agreement. Hit the jump for the deets.

(Photo) Hmm! Rocsi Diaz Is Awfully Close To This Popular Rapper!

Well this is rather interesting! Rocsi Diaz (along with tons of other celebs) hit up Supperclub in L.A. last night to party with Christina Milian for her 32nd birthday, and was spotted canoodling with a certain rapper on the dance floor! Rocsi has dated comedian/actor Eddie Murphy in the past, as well as a YMCMB rapper (who I shall not name…I’ve already said too much…), and could possibly have moved on to enjoy the trippiness of this Memphis native. Hmm! Check out the pics in the gallery and let us know what you think!

NBA: Kobe Bryant To The Pistons?! Yea, That Trade Almost Happened!

Oh I’m just learning all kinds of things this morning!  Can you see Kobe living in Detroit?! Yea, me neither.  Here’s a little info that you may of not heard.  Kobe Bryant almost went to the Pistons in 2007.  So what happened?!  The Black Mamba didn’t want to go!  Check out the report after the jump…

Fellas, Britney Spears Is Back On The Market!!

Looks like the princess of pop is back on the market! Her and her fiance Jason Trawick have officially broken up. Click below for details. Melissa

Questlove & Universal Records VP of A&R To Teach NYU Course On Classic Albums

Congrats to The Roots’ ?uestlove, as he and Harry Weinger (the VP of A&R over at Universal Records) will be teaching a class at the prestigious NYU come this Spring semester. The 2-credit “Classic Albums” course will focus on “the concept of what it means for something to be called classic or seminal, as well as take a close look at the music, lyrics, production, business aspects — such as promotion and marketing — that informed the release and reception of the album, and try to provide a context as to why these albums have stood the test of time.” More info on the class below! Marisa Mendez

British Soldier Gives Birth In Afghanistan At Recently Attacked Compound

A British soldier has given birth to a baby at a NATO compound which was attacked by the Taliban a few days earlier. The woman said she did not know she was pregnant and only complained about stomach pains when she was about to give birth. The birth took place at Camp Bastion where Prince Harry. The Taliban has promised to attack Camp Bastion and kill Prince Harry. Click below to read more. Jason J.

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