Top 20 Twitter Moments Of 2011 Part 2 (Numbers 10-1)

2011 was quite a year! From Twitter beefs, to Twitter bringing people together, to Twitter finding a missing girl…the social networking site has done it all. Based on the stats (amount of hits) on our “Twitter Talk” posts, I compiled a list of the top 20 moments you guys loved from the little blue bird this year. Check out moments 10 through 1 after the jump. (Part 1 here) Marisa Mendez

(Photo) Amber Rose and Kelly Osbourne Are The Fashion Police!

Amber Rose was photographed on the set of E!’s Fashion Police yesterday. Apparently, she’ll be a guest commentator– can’t wait to see the crazy questions Joan Rivers has for her! Hit the jump to see Amber posing for a pic with Kelly Osbourne… and peep the Lennon glasses! @ItsLukieBaby

(Video) Check Out The Woman Who Holds The Record For Most Plastic Surgery Procedures!!

Cindy Jackson has had 52 cosmetic surgery enhancements in her lifetime! More than any other person!! But what’s crazy is…she doesn’t look horrible and plastic like say, Joan Rivers LOL. This woman has had everything from facelifts to knee lipo (what??) to injecting collagen in her hands to smooth out the wrinkles! Crazy. Hit the jump to see more. @MarisaMendez

(Video) The Ciara Comment That Started It All!!

Although the way someone treats you has nothing to do with their fashion choice at an awards show, Ciara commented on Rihanna’s attitude towards her recently…ultimately sparking last night’s Twitter war. So if you missed it, check out what Ciara told Joan Rivers on E!’s Fashion Police after the jump… @ItsLukieBaby Previously: Ciara and Rihanna Beef After Ciara’s Comment on Fashion Police

(Photo) Ciara Rocks Skintight White Dress on Fashion Police!!

Ciara was on tonight’s episode of E!’s Fashion Police with Joan Rivers… her dress choices have been extremely flattering lately!! What do you guys think?? @ItsLukieBaby

(Video) Keri Hilson on Fashion Police Says Lindsay Lohan Looks Guilty!! (fellas check the pic!)

Miss Keri Babyyy played the guest host on E!’s Fashion Police with Joan Rivers and weighed in on Lindsay Lohan’s skintight courtroom attire. Check out what she had to say after the jump!! @ItsLukieBaby

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