Virginia Mayor Richard Silverthorne Arrested For Exchanging Meth For Sex!

In other news…

(Video) Trump Says His Polices Would’ve Prevented 9/11, Calls Hillary Clinton The Founder Of ISIS

The bs that comes out of this man’s mouth on a daily basis is really incredible. He never ceases to amaze.

(Video) Obama Says $400 Million To Iran Was Not For American Hostages

Republicans are finding yet another thing to criticize Obama about, as usual. Are they right this time though? Giving the Iranians 400 million, straight cash, might look a little suspect.

Black Sheep Announces 25th Anniversary Tour Of “A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing”

It’s lit. The duo rap group giving us the iconic “The Choice Is Yours” is going back on tour for their critically acclaimed album “A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing”.

(Video) Cops Abuse 18 Year-Old After He Argues With His Girlfriend, They Place a Mask Over His Head

This isn’t just a problem in America folks. Take a look at cops (I believe in the UK) clearly abusing this young black teen in open site, while his girlfriend screams for his safety.

2016 Miss Teen USA Winner Often Used The N-Word On Twitter

Everybody is now coming for Miss Teen USA 2016, Karlie Hay, after some old tweets surfaced online. What did the tweets say? Let’s just say if a 15 year-old white girl calling people the N-word isn’t enough proof that racism exists in this country, I don’t know what is.

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