(Photos) Pat Houston & Tina Brown Calls A Truce As The Families Say Their Goodbyes To Bobbi Kristina

Throughout Bobbi Kristina Brown’s hospital stay, there has remained a constant feud between her mother’s and her father’s side of the family. Most of the bickering and misled communication coming from Pat Houston and Tina Brown, both being Bobbi’s aunts. Now, however, the pair has found a way to get past all of the animosity, and hug it out. Find out more below.

(Photo) Houston’s and Brown’s Put Aside Their Differences And Gather At Bobbi Kristina’s Bedside

Both sides of Bobbi Kristina’s family came together Saturday to hold a vigil at her bedside. Wednesday the daughter of the late Whitney Houston was moved to a hospice facility in Georgia, after it was determined that her condition was only deteriorating. Bobbi Kristina Brown has been in the hospital since being found unconscious in her bathtub in January. Her families has been feuding over her care and condition since then but seem to have put all that aside to be there for her in her final days.

Bobbi Kristina’s Boyfriend Accused Of Both Beating & Stealing From Her

It seems that the Bobbi Kristina plot twist is thickening by the day. Her [sort-of] brother-turned-boyfriend Nick Gordon is now being accused of both beating and stealing from Bobbi, who has been transported to Hospice Care and will be allegedly “let go” by her family, who have made the difficult decision to do so. According to a new lawsuit Nick has been hit with, it states that he was both physically abusive to Bobbi along with stealing money out of her bank account. Bobbi inherited a $40 million dollar estate from her late famous mother, Whitney Houston. Being that Gordon knew of the money, he was taking money out of her account behind her back on a regular basis. However, Bobbi’s current unfortunately health state did not stop Gordon from stealing. While she’s been in a coma, he allegedly stole $11,000 more. SMH! Do you believe these allegations against Nick Gordon?

Bobbi Kristina Taken Off Medications; Family Reportedly “Letting Her Go”

I’m hesitant to believe this, given the constant misinformation released about Bobbi Kristina, but the latest reports say that she has now been taken off of the medications that were helping to keep her alive, and her family is “letting her go.” Bobbi’s aunt Pat Houston released a statement announcing that they’ve moved her to the hospice care facility and taken her off all medications, so she can die naturally. Doctors are unsure how long she will live without medial assistance, but Pat adds, “She is in God’s hands now.” The decision reportedly came after the family consulted with a top brain specialist last week in Chicago, and were told that there is “no hope” for Bobbi to pull out of the coma. Our prayers are with the Browns and the Houstons at this time!

(Video) Bobby Brown Gives An Update Regarding Bobbi Kristina’s Heath Status

Just five months ago, Bobbi Kristina, the daughter of R&B legend Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, was found in her home face down in the bathtub. Reports insinuated that she was on her death bed but according to Bobby, that is not the case. “Unless you hear it directly from me or through my attorney, do not believe any words attitude to me,” Bobby explained. “I am making decisions with Pat Houston for the medical care of my daughter. I do not have time for the frequent side shows,” he said in regards to the rumors about Bobbi being taken back to their home to die. He also explained that their family is focusing on the criminal investigation which led to Bobbi’s current unfortunate medical condition. “Whoever had a hand in causing my daughter’s injuries needs to be brought to justice.”

Despite The Media “Lies” Bobbi Kristina Is Off Life Support + Pat Houston Can Not Account For Bobbi’s Financial Estate?

Lord, help this family. Once again, the bad blood is not coming from the media, but it is coming from within. Why; because there are so many mixed up stories. Earlier this week, news released that Bobbi Kristina had not gotten any better, and that she would be taken home to “die peacefully.” Now, her aunt Leolah is taking to Facebook to dispute the rumors. “Bobbi Kristina Brown is “NOT” on life support anymore and she has since the beginning and is continuing to today to improve,” she writes on Facebook, in a lengthy open letter. “We will never give up on her! Hell no! Not one Brown!” Hit the jump for more.

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